Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Lake Maninjau

Maninjau Lake is a lake in the district of Tanjung Raya, Agam regency, West Sumatra province, Indonesia. The lake is located about 140 kilometers north of Padang, West Sumatra's capital, 36 kilometers from Bukittinggi, 27 kilometers from Lubuk cone, Agam regency capital. Maninjau which is a volcanic lake is situated at an altitude of 461.50 meters above sea level. Broad Maninjau about 99.5 km ˛ and has a maximum depth of 495 meters. Formed by the eruption of Mount Cekungannya named Sitinjau (according to local legend), this can be seen from the shape that resembles a hill around the lake like a wall. According to legend the Minang aspect, the existence of Lake Maninjau closely related to the story of Bujang Nine.


Lake Maninjau is a source of water for the river named Batang Antokan. In one part of the lake which is the headwaters of Batang Hydroelectric Maninjau Antokan there. The highest peak around Lake Maninjau diperbukitan known as Puncak Lawang. To be able to reach the lake from the direction of Bukittinggi Maninjau if it will pass through the winding road known as the Curved 44 along about 10 KM from Ambun Morning to Maninjau.

Puncak Lawang

Lawang Peak area was developed as a location for Take Off Sports paragliding Aerospace (Paragliding). As he floated freely in the air and landed on Bayur ahead, the banks of Lake Maninjau, from the air we can enjoy the beauty of Lake Maninjau second to none
Puncak Lawang is one of the best places for paragliding sport in southeast asia, is located at an altitude of 900 masl

For those who love a challenge and cross country can walk down the slope toward Lake Maninjau or through the protected forest to the object or the Dew Tour back to the hotel. And the journey we travel less complete if it did not try to enjoy the beauty of Lake Maninjau from the air by using Fly Tandem paragliding pilots with flight-qualified and trained local

Water Tigo Raso
ponds that have water with three flavors, namely sweet, sour and bitter. This tourist spot known as the Water Tigo Raso. Raso Tigo water pool which is located in the city this Malintang, believed by local people to have supernatural powers. Community believe that the water can cure various skin diseases. And the main, the water is believed to keep you young. If you have a desire to stay young

 Museum Buya Hamka

On the shores of Lake Maninjau, in a village called the Land of Sirah, the Batang River State, that's where my parents' house. I still remember a house roof roofed bergonjong four, overlooking the lake, turn one's back to the east. The yard is not large, because the house was on the hillside. On the edge of the yard, planted grandmother (grandmother) bungaraya white, which always trimmed so easy for my mother drying fabric.


That Hamka began his life story contained in the autobiography entitled Memories of Life. In general, a picture like this Buya told not changed much. In places it is still erect a house-term bergonjong traditional Minangkabau house, with four horns. Its location, still on the hillside, overlooking scenic Lake Maninjau nan. The yard was completely wide-area, which was also decorated with flowers.
But, there are a number of details that are now -100 years later-much different. The house is no longer the old house because it has been renovated while maintaining original model. The roof was no longer the fibers, but rather a modern roof coated. Now the yard was covered with grass and decorated with colorful flowers, well-kept. To get to the house, visitors must climb the ladder as high as U-shaped cement approximately four meters. The most distinct, the house was no longer the residence. The building houses a museum that was born in Buya Hamka.

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